Description of tmo_shell Source Files


This documentation describes what each of the source files do / are for in the tmo_shell source folder.


Source File Descriptions

File / Folder Name


Example tmo_shell CLI Syntax

ek18 Contains all the kermit files / code. tmo kermit
buzzer_test.c / h Contains buzzer test code. tmo buzzer
ca_certificate.h Contains certificate of authority header information. tmo certs
devcert.der Binary encoded certificate for testing DTLS. tmo udp ...
devkey.der Binary encoded certificate for testing DTLS. tmo udp ...
dfu_gecko.c / h Updating firmware on SiLabs EFM32 Pearl Gecko 32-bit ARM Cortex M4 MCU in conjunction with a bootloader. tmo dfu ...
dfu_murata_1sc.c / h Updating firmware on Murata 1SC. tmo dfu ...
dfu_rs9116w.c / h Updating firmware on SiLabs RS9116W. tmo dfu ...
digicert_ca.der Binary encoded certificate for Digicert. Not applicable.
echo-apps-cert.der Binary encoded certificate for the T-Mobile echo server. Not applicable.
echo-apps-key.der Binary encoded certificate for the T-Mobile echo server, device side. Not applicable.
entrust_g2_ca.der Binary encoded certificate for Entrust. Not applicable.
led_test.c Contains code for LED testing. Manufacturing test for LEDs.led on pwmleds 0
lets-encrypt-r3.derBinary encoded certificate for Let's Encrypt.Not applicable.
misc_test.cContains code for various sensors, I2C, modem, and Wi-FI commands. Manufacturing tests for various sensors and devices.

sensor get TEMP_0

tmo modem 1 imei

servercert.derBinary encoded CA for the T-Mobile DTLS server.Not applicable.
tmo_adc.c / hContains code for using the Gecko ADC to read the battery voltage.tmo battery voltage
tmo_battery_ctrl.c / hContains code for reading the battery level and converting to a percentage.tmo battery ...
tmo_ble_demo.c / hContains code for using BLE and interfacing with the DevEdge IoT mobile app.tmo ble
tmo_bq24250.c / hContains code for interfacing with the battery charger.tmo battery charger
tmo_buzzer.c / hContains code for interfacing with the buzzer and playing tunes.tmo buzzer
tmo_certs.c / hContains code for the DevEdge "cert store", i.e. certificate upload, download, etc.tmo certs
tmo_dfu_download.c / hContains code for supporting DFU (device firmware update).tmo dfu
tmo_file.c / hContains code for adding functionality to Zephyr file system services.tmo file
tmo_gnss.c / hContains code for interfacing with the DevEdge GNSS chip.

tmo gnssversion

tmo_http_mock_socket.cContains code used for testing HTTP.tmo http ...
tmo_http_request.c / hContains code for HTTP get URL.tmo http
tmo_leds.hContains code to support LEDs, i.e. header information.led on pwmleds 0
tmo_modem_edrx.c / hContains code for modem eDRX power saving mode.tmo modem 1 edrx
tmo_modem_psm.c / hContains code for modem power saving mode.tmo modem 1 psm
tmo_ping.c / hContains code for ICMP ping.tmo ping [-c count] [-s packetsize] [-t timeout] 2
tmo_pm_sys.c / hContains code for system power management controls.tmo sys_pm
tmo_pm.c / hContains code for device power management.tmo pm
tmo_shell_main.cContains the main entry point for tmo_shell.Not applicable.
tmo_shell.c / hContains code for many of submenus and functions in the tmo_shell.tmo
tmo_smp.c / hContains code for the Bluetooth BLE SMP.tmo ble smp ...
tmo_sntp.c / hContains code for SNTP to synchronize the dev kit's time with a given server.tmo sntp <server>
tmo_web_demo.c / hContains code for interfacing to the T-Mobile DevEdge Web App.tmo json ...
tmo_wifi.c / hContains code for interfacing to Wi-Fi.tmo wifi ...